tiistai 27. marraskuuta 2012


 Ajattelin tehdä minipostauksen aiheesta: Parhaat kaupat kiinassa. Onneksi löysin siis vihdoin parhaan parturin. Kaikki muut parturit maailmassa voi unohtaa - tätä olen etsinyt!

Jos valitset nimen perusteella niin näissä minä asioisin:
 If I would pick my shops by the name, these would definitely be on the list...
 This coffee shop is very popular, it's basically the Starbucks of Chengdu...
 "Scshhssyyxzrgs" on lähikauppamme... Joku ajatteli, että olisi hyvä idea jättää vokaalit nimestä vähemmälle. Yritäpä lausua... Tätä kauppaa on kuitenkin kiittäminen siitä, että ajauduin keskusteluun, jossa opin jotain uutta: 'Y' ei ole kuulema englanninkielessä vokaali lainkaan vaan konsonantti - siis WTF??? No, aina oppii jotain uutta.
This local grocery store has made it really challenging to pronounce their name - however it lead me into a discussion about consonants. Apparently 'Y' is a consonant in English... Something I had no idea. In Finnish, there is three vovels more than in English: "Y, Ä and Ö"... I had to go to China to find this out. Awesome:)

1 kommentti:

  1. What you mean is that there are three more *characters* in the Finnish script that are used exclusively for denoting vowel sounds compared to English. In English, Y plays both roles (e.g. "you" vs. "lady").

    Phonetically, English has 12 vowels compared to our eight. That's the number for Received Pronunciation; other varieties have some other amounts :D However, if you choose to differentiate between long and short vowels, Finnish wins 16-12. If you also include diphthongs, we win even more: 34-20.
