maanantai 25. helmikuuta 2013

Research exchange in China: 中国我爱你

Tänään ajan säästämiseksi postaus tulee vain englanniksi... Olen tehnyt tämän eBEREA:n sivuja varten, mutta julkaisen vielä täälläkin.

 Thanks to eBEREA, I have spent the last 4 months in China. We toured China in November 2012 going from Beijing to Chengdu and then to Xi'an, where I spent the last three months in Xi'an Jiaotong University in the e-commerce lab of Prof. Qi Li. It's my third time in China, but it's my first time to really stay and work, and learn some mandarin as well. I have been very grateful to have this opportunity to build new relationships and research connections and I feel it has been a truly worth while effort.

Some of the professional highlights of this trip to be have been:
1. In Beijing, I attended a methodological Case Study conference in Renmin University of China in November, meeting people from all over China - a great opportunity to talk to people about quantitative methods, which are rarely used in Chinese studies. It was great to hear Michael Pratt's lectures as well.
2. Also in Beijing I visited with Renmin students as well and learned about a very interesting new quality mechanism patent that they are trying to get on 'emotions search'.
3. In Chengdu I gave a lecture to an enthusiastic crowd of students at Liulin Campus and had a very interesting research topic idea with a Chinese colleague over lunch.
4. In Xi'an, I worked closely with professor Li and his students in the e-Commerce laboratory: Lots of work, lots of badminton and many happy dinners. Highlights must be two different research papers that I started with two CHinese students: I sat in a coffee shop outside the campus and interviewed young Chinese consumers about their mobile phone shopping behavior! And long were the afternoons of fixing our TAM model over eBay reputation systems in the lab with another colleague.
5. Attending eBEREA Winter School in Beinjing in January 2013 - truly fruitful disussions and made me contribute my first ever poster! In this Winter School also new research ideas were risen and already have turned into concrete actions:)
Of course last four months have also been an awesome experience on a personal level and I was lucky enough to share it with my family that was here with me. Together we have visited numerous temples, parks, shopping malls, indoor playgrounds and of course tourist sights from the great wall to the ancient Shu-culture archeological digs near Chengdu and up to the Shaolin Temple. It has truly been a great adventure. Even though it hasn't always been easy with a 1,5 year old boy in China, I remain thinking just as I did before coming here this time: I love China and I'm not afraid to say it. I love the culture, the art and the history - and the photographic sceneries, unlike nowhere else in the world. I love Chinese food and the feeling of great opportunities opening in just small time here.

Just when I finally learned how to order my lunch and direct my taxi in Chinese, I will have to go home. I know I will be back, which makes it easier to leave. Sooner or later. 中国我爱你.

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