perjantai 5. huhtikuuta 2013

You will be with us, always.

Today we say goodbye to a truly great friend.
 I had the privilage to know Stephen for nine years.
 Today I am grateful for all our days together.
 Our precious moments in Finland 17 months ago.
 And this is how I remember you.
 On these days of happiness.
 Which shall stay in our hearts forever.
 You loved to live.
This is how I remember you tonight my friend, in the fields of Rayleigh Mount, on the grass of Willow cottage.
 I will put Wagner on tonight for you, my friend.
 And remember all the times we sat on Leighcliffroad playing balderdash.
 I can hear you laughing and snoring when you've fallen asleep to the armchairs.
 I can see you in the blue light of the Leigh tandoori, sipping your King Fisher.
 There is no greater love than this family has for you.
 This is how I remember you.
 From Leigh to Finland.
 Thou shall not be forgotten.
Thank you for our last goodbyes yesterday. 
Thank you for hanging on to see us. 

Good night, Sweet Prince
We shall miss you always.

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