lauantai 5. heinäkuuta 2014

White Picket Fences in My Eyes

Olen tullut kriittiseksi omia tekstejäni kohtaan. Luonnoskansio paisuu, mutta pitkällekin kirjoitetut luonnokset eivät nää päiväänvaloa. Tämä on todellinen ongelma. Ajattelen ihan liikaa sitä, että jos kirjoitan näin, mitä sanoo se ja se. Kaukana ovat ne ajat, kun kirjoittelin vain itselleni, eikä kukaan lukenut mun juttuja. No, tänään ajattelin mennä matalan kynnyksen jutulla - jotta se tosiaan näkisi sen päivänvalon. Eli puuhastelin tänään tällaista:

 Äitini hommasi vanhan rikkinäisen porttimme sijaan uuden, joka meille tuli mittatilauksena. Sen teki muuten Pallontallaajen Marimenten iskä - Kiitos E! Minä sen sijaan käytin lapsen päikkärit siihen, että maalasin sen valkoiseksi. Aika terapeuttista toi maalaaminen, ei voi kun keskittyä. Korvissa soi eräs tietty biisi...



See you blowin' me a kiss it doesn't take a scientist
To understand whats goin' on baby
If you see somethin' in my eye, let's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it baby
So let it be, what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and go crazy over you and me
Here's what I do, I'll play the wuss
Not like we have a date with destiny
It's just a little crush
Not like I faint, every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like every thing I do, depends on you

It's raisin' my adrenalin', you're bangin' on a heart of tin
Please don't make too much of it, baby
Say, "That were for ever more"
That's not what I'm lookin' for all I can commit to is maybe
So let it be, what it'll be
Don't make a fuss and go crazy over you and me
Here's what I do, I'll play the wuss
Not like we have a date with destiny
It's just a little crush
Not like I faint, every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like every thing I do, depends on you

Vanilla skies
White picket fences in your eyes

A vision of you and me
It's just a little crush
Not like I faint, every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like every thing, I do depends on you
Sha la la la, sha la la la
Not like I faint, every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like every thing, I do depends on you
Sha la la la, sha la la la
Not like I faint, every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like every thing I do

Kevin Bruce Clark;Andrew Goldmark;Mark Clifford Mueller;Berny Cosgrove

Today I have been painting a fence. My mother has managed to replace our old shitty fence with a new one, which I painted white. I have been so writer blocked with this blog that I guess I'm at the moment just trying to get something on.. I have become way too self critical - my drafts folder gets bigger and bigger and none of those see the light of day... This is not a good development. I am thinking way too much on what people will say if I publish one or the other. I need to just get into the mindset of just publishing, period. This is the tryout. So while I was painting today, just one song was in my mind, thanks to its line about the white picket fence. I don't think there's anything wrong with a white picket fence or what it symbolises. There it stands at the end of my garden, looking over my house and family. That's what I had in my eyes today.

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