lauantai 16. elokuuta 2014

Loncon 3: Friday

Welcome to Worldcon 2014 in London, this convention is also called Loncon 3.

Our convention actually started at Thursday night when mr. C had checked all three of us in and brought me the badges and stuff. I was burning a fever on that day, so I barely managed to transport Tops through London (and have lunch with my family members) with the aid of my brother-in-law: Uncle Maz you are the best, thanks so much. So we met mr C at our Docklands hotel, where I witnessed the most peculiar sight of the evening in our suite(!!!) where two men just fell on their knees infront of me. Honestly I don't think this has ever happened to me before.
Back in the convention on Friday morning - first run into this Australian-Finn...
 The Dealers's room is quite dangerous place to loose a lot of money.
 Or to loose a half-finn.
 Money and little Finns best kept at one's neck.
 Possibly the most charming part of the Dealers' room: John Clute's Study! I mean, look at the outfit... Judith told me that the jeans she donnated to decorate this exhibit made Clute look franticly some of the pairs gone...
Half Finn enjoyed this part of the Dealers' room the most.
Specifically the butterflies.
 I enjoyed this part the best. What cuties!
 And what care: The Flowerbed decorations used the words that (possibly only(!)) Clute uses regularly.
 Daddy was getting a lot of affections.
Just before plotting of some more naughtyness. Topfish has a bit of a bad two days so far as he as well as me has had a cold:(
 More familiar faces at the Fan Village behind the Helsinki 2017 bid table... So actually managed a three sentence conversation with Tero. More than I did in Finncon, so that's good...
 In the con you step five metres and then there's another familiar face. Cheryl was elegant as always.
 Tops is getting on the mood for hulahoops.
 Some kids eat meatballs. Mine eats noodles.
 Mainly Worldcon for a three year old is one big playground to run around. At least there is space!
 And people to see.
 People like this one.
 Lots can be said about my husband. One of the issues is that he can make other people do this pose:
 Works with most women...
 Sometimes even Finns... is that a smile?
No matter how much you suffle around the con, you always end up in the dealers' room again.
Tops and I tried to go and see one program item.
Which was the guest of Honour interview - JC vs. JC.
 Some excited audience included Liz Hand, Joe and Gay Haldeman and Judith of course.
 My JC was interviewing John Clute, the guest of Honour.
 These two are like the incarnations of each other. Both into encyclopedias. And knowledge. And words. And they do like each other very much.
 And fortunately for the audience when they are on the stage with each other, they become a very entertaining combination:)
 Our first day at the con was nice, lots of time hanged out in Fan Village. There was even some people who had sent themselves there remotely... What a wonderful idea - how science fictiony!
 I went home with two bags of t-shirts.
 And that was the last from Excel London on Friday.
Olemme tällä hetkellä Loncon 3-tapahtumassa, joka on maailman suurin kerran vuodessa järjestettävä Science Fiction tapahtuma eli Worldcon. Kyseinen tapahtuma on ollut Euroopassa viimeksi v. 2005 Glassgowissa, jossa olimme myöskin paikalla. Eli 9 vuotta edellisestä Worldconista, huh huh! 
Tällä kertaa olen ollut hieman puolikuntoisena kesäflunssassa ja poikanen on ollut myös juoksentelemassa mukana. Conissa on muutenkin aika paljon lapsia ja heitä varten on myös paljon telmimistilaa varattuna. A:lla ei ole ollut ehkä parhaita päiviä, koska hänelläkin nenä on vuotanut ja välillä on yskittänyt.
J on tehtaillut puheita ja paneeleita - nämä kuvat ovat perjantailta, jolloin tapasimme joitakin lähinnä Finnconin entisiä kunniavieraita, joista on sittemmin tullut hyviä ystäviä... Minulle Worldcon on parhaimmillaan juuri sitä - uusia ja vanhoja ystäviä, hyvää keskustelua ja uusia ajatuksia. 

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