torstai 21. elokuuta 2014

Loncon3 - Sunday

On our last day of Worldcon, Sunday, I did something very stupid. I had been charging my camera battery overnight and of course forgot to put it back to my camera - no professional pictures from Sunday then! How irritating... So you need to tolerate poor iphone quality for my third and last day of the worldcon reportage.On Sunday at noon, my husband was doing his main speech of the con, so that meant that me and half finn were hanging out together in the Excel corridors. Plenty of exciting people to meet on the boulevard again, including a friendly(!) Cyberman and a woman dressed as the Tardis...
Small Finn and I spent some more time hanging around at the Finn hut on the fan village.
 And toured the last minutes of the Dealer's room. This lovely lady says she will go where ever the con goes - so hopefully in two years time - to Finland.
 She sold me this collection of t-shirts for my friend.
 In the Dealers' room, weird guys loom.
 BUt if you ask my son, the best place in this con was the pink steps in between the Fan village and the Dealers' room. He would have played 'catch me if you can' with mum on those all day long. Up to a point where we were asked to leave a couple of times by the security...
 Dr. Who though, not really my son's favourite thing. Or perhaps it's the annoying mother who wants a picture with all kinds of weird backgrounds.
 On Sunday morning at the con, Quidditch took place on the fan village lawn.
 They went at it for 2 hours! And I can say that muggle way of playing qudditch includes a lot more running around with a stick in between your legs than the wizard way... Which means that these guys really worked for their keeps. Speficically the girl who was playing the Snitch! Blimey she got a lot of excersise. But if you think fandom doesn't do sports - just go and see qudditch.
Meanwhile on the promenade, A Doctor had showed up to deal with the friendly Cyberman.
 Whereas upstairs in Capital Suite 15, I saw the only half an hour of a program item... That's how much my son allowed... (I know, he won't be 3 years old forever) This talk was of course my husband's speech 'The State of the Anime Industry'. Which of course was dealing with the looming shut down of Studio Ghibli... I'm sure the rest of it was also very interesting but unfortunately me and Tops made our excuses out for the second half of the talk, thanks to the crankyness of the small listener...
 But that's alright, since while waiting for a small boy to run out his energy at the corridor - I got to hang out with this girl, Karoliina Leikomaa, who has recently moved to London with her spouse. In worldcon it really doesn't matter where you stand, as friends will be at grasp. Thanks for the chat, it was really nice to catch up on work-wise too!
 After mr. Clements's speech ended, we decided to pull our small family out of the con due to most of us still being under the summer cold that I picked up somewhere in between London and Walberswick. So many friends, so little time...I really wish I had seen Ellen Kushner, Megan Lindhom (& Fred) as well as Pat Cadigan. But I guess I just have to see you guys again in Helsinki 2017!
 On the way back home, the Tuesday night Norwegian was filled with rather hangovering Finns. Certain Tero Ykspetäjä and Eemeli Aro were at least seen on the spot. If you were not in this worldcon - how about meeting in Helsinki 2017?
 For me this worldcon might not have been the biggest 'party con' ever, since I missed ALL the fantastically sounding parties, mainly due to this small travelling companion below. However, this won't be the case forever. Children grow up... Perhaps in the future I will have time to do some con organising as well. Thank you everyone for a great con!
Sunnuntaina minulle kävi perinteinen, eli unohdin kameran patterin laturiin ja eipä siinä sitten auttanut muuta kuin turvautua iphonekuviin - pahoittelut siis surkeasta laadusta! Sunnuntaina oli mieheni pääohjelmanumero (no tähän asti hän oli siis jo haastatellut John Clutea kunniavieraspuheessaan ja vetänyt kaksi paneelia...) mutta joo puoliltapäivin hän piti luennon aiheesta Japanilaisen animaation nykytila. Joka lyhyestisanottuna on aika 'shit'. Ehdin itse kuunnella tästä luennosta puolet, kiitos pieni avustaja, joka jopa puoli tuntia jaksoit pelailla iphonella ennen kuin varsinainen melt-down alkoi ja hipsimme käytävään purkamaan pienen miehen energiaa juoksemalla edestakaisin. Hyvä puoli Worldconissa on se, että missä kulkeekin niin tuttuja kyllä tulee vastaan todella joka kulmalla. Niinpä käytin mukavan puolituntisen Leikomaan Karon kanssa jutustellen. Karo on muuten Helsinki In 2017 projektipäällikkö ja on myöskin muuttanut juuri Lontooseen. Jos ei tästä vielä löytynyt sopivasti puheenaiheita niin olemme myös hyvin samantyyppisillä aloilla töissä, joten lapsen juostessa ympyrää, äiti seurusteli mukavasti vanhan tuttavan kanssa:) Jonathanin puheen jälkeen oli aika pistää pieni perhe pakettiin ja jättää coni taa, koska olemme olleet kaikki samaisessa kesäflunssassa ja nyt oli selkeästi oikea aika häipyä. Valitettavasti tämä tarkoitti sitä, että muutama vanha tuttava jäi näkemättä... Mutta seuraavalla kerralla sitten. Varsin hieno coni, josta sain irti aika paljon (koska odotin aika vähän lapsenhoitotilanteen ollessa aika nolla) - jonakin toisena vuonna sitten luuhaan kaikki partyt läpi, lupaan, tällä kertaa perhe-elämä vei voiton. Heippahei ja toivottavasti v. 2017 Helsingissä nähdään!

2 kommenttia:

  1. 2Meanwhile on the promenade, A Doctor had showed up to deal with the friendly Cyberman."
    Looks more like Captain Jack Harkness...
