sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2015

Turhautus maximus

Varoitus: sisältää väikkärin valmistelijan epätoivoa

Nyt rikon omia sääntöjäni ja postaan blogiin. Ampukaa mut jos huvittaa. En tiedä ymmärtääkö kukaan sitä, miltä tuntuu kun koko syksynä ei ole saanut kirjoittaa..? Siis muuta kuin tota mun rakasta-vihaamaani opinnäytettä... Huomautan et kirjoitan tätä kännykkään samaan aikaan ku oon poikani kanssa puistossa. JOTEN TÄÄ AIKA EI OO VÄIKKÄRILTÄ POIS. Ja vaikka olisikin, niin välillä on pakko tehdä muutakin. Muuten pää hajoaa.

Laskin et oon koko syksynä tehnyt töitä KAIKKINA muina viikonloppuina elokuun alusta paitsi silloin ku olin Lissabonissa ja kehtasin ottaa 3vrk omaa aikaa. Sanomattakin selvää että sain siitä paskaa niskaan.. Miten mä kehtaan kun niin monta ihmistä tekee mun valmistumisen eteen niin paljon töitä... Niin miten kehtasin osallistua Euroopan mestaruuskisoihin, joihin olin treenannut vuoden verran... Suorastaan häpeällistä.
 Tänä viikonloppuna olin koko lauantain ja sunnuntain 9-16 toimistolla tekemässä Talousraportointia.. Niin tämä aika on poissa väikkäriltä. Ei, sitä ei voi kukaan muu tehdä mun puolesta. Jos voisi, olisin jo allokoinut. Kyllä, se on aivan pakko tehdä nyt. Jos en tee sitä nyt, se on about Sadan tonnin lasku yo:lle. Ei paineita;) Mikä siinä niin kestää? No komission joka vuosi tarkemmaksi käyvät säännöt miten raportointi tehdään. 15kk palkat (7hengen), Person monthsit ja tunnit on jaettava workpackageille niin et ne vastaa sitä mitä on suunniteltu ja tehty. Se ei ole vaikeaa, se on vaan ihan pirun tarkkaa ja NIIN turhauttavaa. Varsinkin kun vähemmänkin yksityiskohtia varmasti riittäisi. Kukaan niitä ei varmasti katso.

Mut tiiättekö mitä? Tää on ollut yks parhaita viikkoja mun elämässä. Kaiken tän turhautumisen keskellä mä oon ihan käsittämättömän onnellinen. Koska mun elämässä on ihan mielettömän mahtavia hetkiä: Sellaisia, jotka pysäyttää kauneudellaan ja täydellisyydellään. Sellaisia, joista olen koko elämäni haaveillut, mutta en ikinä uskonut, että niitä tapahtuu minulle.  Löydän itseni tanssimasta sunnuntaiaamuna toimiston tyhjillä käytävillä, kun olen vaan niin elämän humalassa. Mikä turhautuminen? Kun naamalla on hymyä.  Mun elämä on täynnä toistaankin ihanampia ja uskomattomampia ihmsiä.

Ykkösenä mun täti. Se on koko syksyn ollut meillä lapsenvahtiapuna ja kodinhoitajana ja kuunnellut mun epätoivoa, kiukkua ja turhautumista ja väsymystä. Tyynesti se on sanonut, että mene nyt vaan sinne töihin, minä olen tässä. Ilman häntä ei oltais tässä tän väikkärin kanssa, olisin jo luovuttanut.

Kiitos. Olet mun arjen suurin sankari.

Mut sen päälle on hirmu monta muutakin ihmistä jotka ovat auttaneet ihan älyttömästi. Tietysti Ohjaajani Jan ja työkaverini Henri ja Philipp, joista viimeinen toi mulle viime viikolla ruokaa jotta saisin käyttää kaikki ajat kirjoittamiseen. Naomi, joka on kuunnellut kaikki mun itkut ja tullut viikonlopuksi töihin mun kaa sen takia että auttaisi metodologian kanssa. Eetu, joka on ihan joka päivä kahden kuukauden ajan ilmestynyt mun ovelle ja kertonut mulle et kyllä oikeesti pystyn tähän. Timo setä, joka vaihtoi mun auton renkaat. Seija, joka otti Alexanderin yökylään, jotta sain viettää yhden unohtumattoman illan ja yön bilettämällä piikkiössä... Mun äiti, joka imuroi, laittoi sosekeittoa ja vei topsulaista musaterapiaan mun puolesta...  Ja niin niin paljon muitakin... Työkaverit, sukulaiset ja ystävät. Kiitos siitä että ootte olemassa ja tsemppaatte. Ilman teitä tästä ei tulis mitään. Olen liikuttunut kaikesta tuesta, jonka olen saanut tänä syksynä.

Milloin se on valmis? Jos Eetulta kysytään niin 3.11. Mut oikeasti se on valmis sit kun Jan sanoo että nyt. Yhtään nopeampaa mä en sitä voi tehdä. Jos pystyisin, olisin jo tehnyt. Jos se ei valmistu tänä vuonna niin olen kaikkeni antanut. Enempään en olisi pystynyt.

/ I'm stealing a couple of minutes from thesis work. But I'm watching my kid at the same time, so don't get too excited... It's been quite an Autumn and I've been really frustrated for a very long time. I've taken one weekend off since August... That's it. Every other weekend I've been at work. Every 4th night as well. I have really given my all. But then there's also been other responsibilities such as finishing 2,5days of financial reporting for ODS, which I did this weekend when I could have been writing my thesis. No, it could not wait any longer. No there was no other person who could do it. You don't know what it's like not being able to write. I feel so restricted. I mean I write my thesis every day sure, but I really miss my blog, I decided to allow this small window for it now. 

Even with frustration levels going high, on a point where I cried at work last week (yes I had my period, yes I had not slept the previous night) but this Autumn has still been the best time of my life. I am super happy. I love my life. I smile all the time and feel drunk on being alive. It's all due to being able to experience moments which I always dreamt of, being able to choose my own doings, being supported by such an amazing group of family and friends. I am so touched with all the kindness - so many have offered help and done things like my uncle changed my winter tyres, my mother hoovered and made me soup... Philipp brought me food so I could write more during the day. Naomi's picked me up so many times when I've been such a cry baby. You guys are the best. But overall most help I have gotten from my aunt, who moved in with us and has watched over Aisha for countless hours, done our laundry and made sure that the house does not look like after a nuclear single parent war. Thank you all, my sincerest gratitude for all you have done for me. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. 

When is it ready? If you ask Eetu, it's on 3rd of November. But Jan's word is what counts and there is certainly a lot to do still. So I better get on with sleep so that I can feel freshened to write thesis again in the morning.
Kuvat/Pictures of me (c) Virpi Flyktman

lauantai 17. lokakuuta 2015

Route Awakening

 Tiedän et tällä hetkellä en blogaa juuri lainkaan. Olen kieltänyt itseltäni lähes kaikki jutut paitsi tuon pahuksen väikkärin tekemisen. Nyt kuitenkin täytyy sanoa, että ehkä saan varastaa nämä 10minuuttia, mitkä tämän blogin kirjoittamiseen menivät... Eli syy, miksi minä olen tänä syksynä YH-äiti. Kun National Geographic Channel soittaa ja kysyy: "Tulisitko Kiinaan hostaamaan oman 6-osaisen TV-sarjan", et sano, että "Sori, mun vaimon pitää viimeistellä väikkäri." / I know I don't blog much right now. I've denied myself everything except vital things and finishing my f**ing PhD. However, I am stealing 10minutes to post this for you now so that you understand... Why I'm a single parent this Autumn. When National Geographic calls and asks: "Would you like to come to CHina to shoot and host your own tv show", your answer will not be "No, my wife's finishing her PhD"...
 Niin, minä luulin, että menin naimisiin kirjailijan kanssa... Mut sit no, this happened. Varsin ylpeä sinusta rakas! / I thought I married a writer, but then... This happened. So proud of your darling!

Katso traileri täältä.
See the trailer here.

Pictures/Kuvat (c) National Geographic Channel

torstai 8. lokakuuta 2015

European taikai in Lisbon 2015, Day 2

 The 'main' taikai day started with 6:15 wake up call.  This day is only in English, sorry Finnish readers! In the lack of time I've chosen the langugage that most can read.
 The portugese had decided that it would be a good idea to have a schedule which in case of traffic or indeed a tropical storm - would still start in time. One would say, rare quality in Southern Europeans. To assure the safe passing of our bus transportation to the taikai, we were driving behind a motorbricade. No, I'm not giving. Someone had a meeting about this. It was the local hell's angels, accompanying us for our fight club event of the season. Fair enough!
Exept when we did get there, standing around commenced. Followed by ceremonies where luckily Timo and I were at the floor and therefore takes down the amount of pictures that I could take of this event.  After the infamous marching down the aistle after your country flag and standing around for all the countries' national anthems, there was a small gap in schedule which I used to sneak my camera upsatirs for my friends to take pictures of our embu. The security guard was unsure if I was allowed to enter the audience area. I said to him pointing at my gi: "Come on, you can use your eyes. I don't have my badge because I'm inside the competition. Ergo the number on my back. I am pretty sure I'm not trying to sneak in to 'watch' the taikai for free..."
 So pictures of my embu with Timo (c) Henrik Persson. Thank you!
It is easy to take pictures of embus - point and shoot right? There's plenty of thows, kicks, kiais and apparently someone's big arses around...
The comedy part of our performance was that in the first throw, Timo's number tag got loose from sweating. Then on part 2, I collected it to my leg. You can see many joyful faces watching us perform. Perhaps it is due to the piece of paper stuck on my leg. Or perhaps the comedy of two slightly off people trying to have a go at making one.
Overall, we were happy with our performance. It was where we coud go with the kind of traning we had had this year. I doubt the situation would have been that much better with twice  aweek training, but I guess we will never know.  I think the judges were very right to give us 213p. I am proud of us for finishing, competing, training the whole lot. Taikai is never a bad idea. I'll write another post about what I think of the embukai this year.
 After our own performance at 3rd dan and above series, Timo fetched my camera from the audience, so I have some pictures from the floor as well.
 The French certainly giving it their best shot...
I might be just a little bit in love with this embu... Some of it might be due to the hair quality but let's not tell anyone, right...
 However there was one couple above all that I was cheering for in our category, the 3rd Dan and above 'males'. And here's half of it...
 This was obviously the 'main category', only the best of the best (plus us):)
 Per and ... also were very impressive.
 The judges were from all the countries. In here Pyka sensei is giving top scores for the adjant tatami.
 Italian concentration.
 For embus, you get minus points for example on: DOing it under 1,5minutes or over 2 minutes; or doing techniques that are not part of your ranks - but overall, the big issue is performance expression: Did you yell hard enough, were your distance the right, did you keep eye contact, did you it your punches direct, were your hitting and kicking points correct etc. It's a dance, really and it's about doing it beautifully and right.
 The styles might vary, but the intensity, speed and attitude is what's going to win it for you.
After the competition was over, there was also a performance section from the French, Italians, Spannish and Germans. Some of it was a group embu like the one below...
 This was followed by the finals - first time ever, all the categories that had more than 10 pairs, got 4 pairs to go to the finals and show their embus again.
 In our category, the French were victorious. The winning pair is the one above, the second was the one below, both French.
 Yes, these were great embus to watch. I am certainly not complaining.
 But the one I rooted for, Christina and Carlos from Portugal, came in third place.
 Their show was an act of beauty. They are people who really beat the odds. They are not young acrobatic or entirely men... So this pair for me says: Anyone can do it. And do it well. I was so moved to watch them, I am so honoured to know them. C&C, you are an inspiration to work hard and aim for the sky for me. Well done guys!
If this is the last time we see this embu, I feel great that I was there to take witness. You were awesome.
Some first comers in our category enjoying the feel of the floor.
I know that people are always bias towards their friends - but I feel these two would have deserved a spot at the finals at least. Roman and Arnaud - If you two can do such an embu by living in TWO different countries, I'm sure Kirsi and I can make one for San Francisco in two years time while living in Jyväskylä-Lahti (160km separtation).
 So after the show, there's not much more to be done than to wait around and cheer for others.
 The fourth place in our category went to our Russian friends who I also would have wished had won. There was so many great embus... In my mind, there was nothing but winners. That's what Shorinji Kempo should be all about.
 The Portugese federation had also invited about 50 kids to witness the embu. There wasn't much for them to do, but they sure look cute on camera. Made me miss my own baby.
 On the female Yudansha (2nd dan and above) series, I'm so happy to say: Hanna and Lotta are back! What odds these two are also facing: They both had stopped Shorinji Kempo briefly due to having kids and finishing studies, but they are back now, competing once more. They've been in the same competition with me and Kirsi since European Taikai in 2003 (Where they won), through Norcia (came in second) and they won yet again this time. You guys are also our inspiration, well done, good job, girls!
 Arai Sensei and Aosaka Sensei were honouring the camp by being the main instructors present.
 Team Finland might not have done as well as other countries, but we were all very proud to participate into the competitions and also happy with our performances. This is the spirit of Shorinji Kempo - everyone should improve themselves as a priority. All of these four kenshis made a huge journey and development in this embu round. Now it's time to start preparing for California 2017!
 Kirsi poses with the man behind the Taikai, Nuno:)
 And with the man of man faces, sensei Steve:)
After Saturday's festivities, it was time for some philosophy from Aosaka Sensei and some prepromotion of the coming World Taikai, which was inroduced by Yoshi Sensei.
 Finns are gathering.
 At the end of the day we were treated with one hour of Aosaka Sensei's training.
 How do you make a man fall? Aosaka Sensei performed on his favourite practise partner and friend, Alex Tilly Sensei from Stockholm.
 At 70 years old - will you have these moves?
First day of this Taikai can be read here.
Also check out previous taikais under the tag 'taikai' in the side bar.

Be patient my friends - I know you are eager to see more pictures and stories from the taikai, but as I am in a critical part of my PhD right now, I can only do so much blog work per day. It takes about 3h to prepare one of these posts including editing pictures and so on. So they will come eventually here, just when I have the time slots. Also I will put all the pictures (also beyond the blog) into a dropbox link where you can go and download your own pictures of your embus and so on. But no promises on when - in the next few weeks at least.

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