maanantai 31. joulukuuta 2018

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2019!

Näin vanhan ja uuden vuoden tienoilla minulla on jo vuosikausia ollut tapana muistella edellistä vuotta ja tehdä uuden vuoden suunnitelmia ja lupauksia. Tänäkin vuonna teen sen tänne blogiin. Viime vuoden postaus löytyy täältä. Muistelutapani on yleensä standardi 40 kysymystä viime vuodesta. Tänäkin vuonna vastaan niihin englanniksi. Kuvituksena on instagrammin "Best Nine" vuoden huippuhetkiä: Ylä vasemmalta oikealle:
1. Kävelyllä Vuokatin vaaralla A:n, mummin ja mummin kaverin kans
2. Viimeinen auringonlasku infinity poolissa Kroatiassa murun kans
3. Topsu kesälomalla Jyväsjärvessä
4. Hyppy Bosniassa Mostarin sillalta
5. Syksyn värejä
6. Kohdan 4 Stari Most silta
7. Hetki veljen kans mökillä kahdestaan juteltiin ja hän soitteli kitaraa laiturilla <3
8. Valmiina ekaan kokoukseen EU projektikoordinaattorina Brysselissä
9. Maisemat yli Dubrovnikin kesäreissulla

<3 Moments - Instagram on taas kerran valinnut kyllä vuoden huippuhetkiä ehdottomasti. On ollut aivan mieletön vuosi kaiken kaikkiaan ja hienoja hetkiä on ollut paljon.

Vietän uutta vuotta lasten, Juhan ja ystävien kanssa kotona. Illalla on tarkoitus viedä muksut katsomaan ilotulitusta! Toivon kaikille erinomaista päivää, yötä ja mahtavaa uutta vuotta 2019!

Aikaisempien vuosien postaukset löytyvät:
2017 Tilinpäätös
2016 Tilinpäätös
2015 Tilinpäätös
2014 Tilinpäätös
2013 Tilinpäätös
2012 Tilinpäätös

/Summing up my year of 2018, once again in English. I do this every year, just like Charlie Brooker, except you know - not funny...

1. What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before?

So many to choose from but I will go with divorce. Okay and went through a major renovation with my new house

I always make some goals, those you can check out here. I will make a comprehensive post about my thoughts. Most categories have not changed much for 2019 - however there are some clear steps that I want to make specifically in home economics and this is my goal to do in the coming year.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Babies - yes! My colleague Tiina got her daughter, My friend Johanna got a second daughter... Who else? It's babies all around.

 4. Did anyone close to you die?
A friend of mine did die at devastatingly young age.

5. What countries did you visit?
My work trips were to UK, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Romania, Italy and Portugal, but the most memorable was our summer holiday road trip to Croatia, Montenegro & Bosnia & Herzegovina. Those three I had not previously visited and absolutely loved. Amazing trip. In the Autumn we also went to Northern and Southern Ireland, which I had not been before - this meant that I visited the total of four new countries this year! The last trip of 2018 was to Gdansk with my dear colleagues - what a great Christmas party:)

6. What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?
Last year I said more staff and indeed this year I had some, which has been nice. But I would say motivation to take care of my own health.

7. What date from 2018 will remain attached upon your memory, and why?
Probably 30th of July, that's when I said yes.

 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Wow, there is so many. One would be to buy this house under the radar under the market value. Another would be to grow to be a EU project coordinator.

9. What was your biggest failure?
In general not looking after my health better. (Same as last year!)

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I have been having a bad hip and also an arm that goes numb. Not good.

 11. What was the best thing you bought?
Best by far was the house.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
My co-workers Pieta and Mikko are amazing, I truly appreciate their work. So is my colleague Ellinor from Sweden. But of course there are many others - family & friends. Love you guys.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Certain ex-family members who have started to treat me like air - I can understand it, but still makes me rather appalled.

14. Where did most of your money go?
Real estate and renovating.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about
My new life. Road trip in the Balkans. Picking up tiles for my new floors. Making money with additional means. Studying passive revenue streams. Saving and investing.

16. What song will always remind you of 2018?
This is difficult, I have to check Spotify...  

Most listened would be Scared of the Dark by Steps, let's go with that

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
I. happier or sadder? Happier. Absolutely.
II. thinner or fatter?  Fatter. My Health hasn't been a priority in the last year.
III. richer or poorer? Richer I guess. I guess this is relative, as I have more money borrowed from the bank than before, but at the same time, I definitely have more assets.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Drunk alcohol.

 20. How did you spend Christmas?
In Jyväskylä, surrounded by loved ones:)

22. Did you fall in love in 2018?
This was probably the first year for a long time that I did not.

24. What was your favorite tv programme?
Vikings. I have watched very little television this year, but Juha and I have watched Vikings and the serial killer drama with Gillian Andersson which I have now forgotten... I guess I also watched Selviytyjät Suomi which was awesome:)

25. Do you hate anyone now that you did not hate this time last year?
No I don't.

26. What was the best book you read?
Rich dad, Poor dad.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
It was awesome to go and see Suede.

28. What did you want and get?
A New beginning.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
I am trying to remember if I've been to the cinema once... I did go on S's birthday to see a Jack London cartoon with the kids, but that hardly counts.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 37. I spent the day waking up in Lohikoski. The kids had made cards... I then had dinner by my self I think. The day was perfect. Of course I celebrated much later with the Star Wars party which was a great success.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
There has been a few low points to this year - some to do with too much alcohol. This is something I will fix in the coming year.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018?
Whatever is in my closet. I didn't buy many clothes, there's already too many of them.

34. What kept you sane?
I think it's the fact that someone hugs me to sleep every night that we are together.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I have become obsessed with some people on insta stories & podcasts. My favourite persons are:

Travel bloggers: Veera Bianca&

 (Their podcast: Jetlagissa:

Snow queen of Turku: Laura Satamo 

(Her podcast:  Mamma rimpuilee:

Asuntosijoittaminen: Harri Huru - Ostan asuntoja podcast

These are all in Finnish... In English I listen to Bigger Pockets Money at the moment, but thinking of some others too...

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Climate Change

37. Who did you miss?
I miss my English relatives very much

38. Who was the best new person you met?
In my team in Learntech Accelerator, there is a lot of new acquaintances that deserve praise. I think there has not been one above all, but if I can pick someone I met in late 2017 and got to know this year, then Pieta.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018:
Buy assets, not liabilities.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"Sano muruksi vaan jos haluut leikkiä tulella"

Thank you for this year of 2018 everyone!

perjantai 28. joulukuuta 2018

Talvivaellus Salamajärven kansallispuistossa

 Päätettiin lähteä välipäiväkävelylle Salamajärven kansallispuistoon.

 Salamajärven kansallispuisto sijaitsee luoteisessa Keski-Suomessa siten, että kansallispuisto on myös Keski-Pohjanmaalla. Läheisiä kuntia ovat Perho, Kinnula ja Kivijärvi.
Paikka valikoitui sen perusteella, että halusimme retken olevan ns. yhden päivän patikointi Jyväskylästä käsin. 
 Mukavuuden haluisina emme halunneet lomalla herätä klo 06 ajamaan vaan läksimme yhdeksän pintaan ja ajo kesti parisen tuntia pienistä teistä johtuen.
 Matkaseurana minulla oli kesän vaellukselta UKK-puistosta tuttu J.
 Kun löytää sellaisen vaelluskaverin, jonka kanssa vauhti menee edes jollakin tapaa yksiin ja asenne on samantyyppinen (eli et katotaan mieluummin maisemia kuin 'urheilusuoritetaan') niin sellaisesta kannattaa pitää kyllä kiinni <3.
Lisäksi meillä on molemmilla samanlainen myssymuoti.

 Maisemat siis ihan oman maakunnan alueellakin ovat huikeita, vaikkakin maasto on todella tasaista. Joskus ei tarvitse lähteä kauas löytääkseen huikeita paikkoja.
Lähdimme puistoon Koirasalmen luontotuvalta, jossa näin talvisena joulukuun päivänä oli meidän lisäksemme yksi perhe patikalla.
 Olimme päättäneet lähteä Pahapuron lenkille, joka olisi kyltin mukaan 7km.
 Olimme kuitenkin päättäneet, että kävelemme siihen asti, kunnes kello on 14 ja käännymme sitten takaisin omia jälkiämme pitkin.
 Tarkoituksena ei ollut siis eksyä pimeään metsään.
Reitti oli merkitty vihreillä palloilla puissa, mutta niitä olisi mahdollisesti vaikea nähdä pimeän jälkeen.
 Etukäteen oli ollut hankala hahmottaa, kuinka paljon puistossa on lunta.
 Päätimme kuitenkin lähteä matkaan ilman lumikenkiä.
Matkan kulku ei tuntunut raskaalta, mutta onhan lumessa kävely selvästi hitaanpaa kuin kesällä metsäpoluilla samoilu.
 Talviretkeilyssä saa olla varuillaan - sillä Suomessa pimeä tulee joulukuussa tosiaan jo klo 16 aikaan ja toisaalta jos kengät hörppäävät vettä tai muuten kastuvat niin jäätyminen uhkaa. Meillä oli toki hyvä suunnitelma - kartta - lämmintä juotavaa - hyvät varusteet jne, joten missään vaiheessa ei ollut mitään hätää.
 Söimme eväitä vanhassa suoniittyladossa.
 Inkivääriteetä ja voileipää.
 Iltapäivä alkoi hämärtää. Klo 14:25 viimein maltoimme kääntyä takaisin.
 Niinpä kaivettiin otsalamput esiin.
 Talvikävelyretken pituudeksi kännykän mukaan tuli 9,8km ja 13t askelta. Arvellaan, ettei matka ollut kuitenkaan noin pitkä, sillä ehkä GPS ei metsässä osaa täysin havainnoida miniaskelia...
 Mutta antoisaa oli! Talviretkeilyyn täytyy varautua kesäretkeä vähän eri tavalla, mutta maisemat ja puhdas ilma virkistävät kyllä mieltä! Suosittelen!

/Yesterday we went for a winter hike in the 'Lightning Lake National Park' = Salamajärven kansallispuisto. This is in North West part of Central Finland, but also in Central Ostrobothnia. This is about 2hour drive from Jyväskylä towards Kinnula & Kivijärvi. Winter hiking is requires slightly different aspects to consider: The shoes must be high enough to stop snow going into the leg, which would cause the feet to get wet and freeze. Also the darkness comes at 4pm in the Central Finland in December, which meant we had about 3,5hours of day light when we set for our walk. We decided to turn back after 2 hours and follow our own footsteps back - this way we did not get lost in the woods. Even with head lamps which are also a Must - it is difficult to spot the route which is marked with green dots on the tree barks. Regardless - I encourage you to go walking in the snow - the fairytale forests look magical and the nature is totally miraculous and different from the cities. Sometimes one does not have to travel far to get into an amazing place. This is a good example:)  

Kuvat minusta / Pictures of Me by J.O.

lauantai 22. joulukuuta 2018

Joulua odottamassa

 Tänään ollaan _kai_ lomalla. En tiedä onks niin - roikkumaan jäi 1,5 matkalaskua, 1 gradu, 1 kandi... 6 raporttia...
Mitä teille jäi...? Ootteko lomalla? Onks niistä viimeisistä työtehtävistä vaikea päästää irti... Onks se sitä, et on vaikea siirtää roolia työstä kotiin... Et jos kukaan ei haluu multa noita raportteja (joita KUKAAN ei kaipaa kahteen viikkoon) niin mää en ookaan sitä mitä oon nää kuukaudet ollu...
 Tänään oli se päivä. Et alkoi "loma".
 Me mentiin muksujen kaa kattomaan uskomatonta winterwonderlandia mitä SUOMI oli meille taikonut...
 Ja kaikkialla oli kaunista.
 Ihan mieletöntä.
 Ja sit mää olin kutsunut läheisiä viettämään joulun aloitusta meille.
Sen nimi oli Nigellan Coctails & Canapee.
Ja jotenkin ne ihmiset mun ympärillä tuli ja söi lasten tekemät coctail-palat alta aikayksikön. Ja glögiä meni 4l (muistutus ens vuodelle..).
 Sääli on se et GDPR määrää et mää postaan kuvia vaan viinirypäleistä...
Koska en jaksanut enää sitä rumbaa et kysyisin lupaa. 
 Kivaa oli.
 Ja ihanaa oli et eno viimein tuli ja nakitti lapset, jotka oli häntä odottaneet ovensuussa tuntikausia... Legendaarinen eno, joka kuulema seuraavalla kerralla "käy loppuun painiottelumme" jne.

Hei kaikki ihanat sukulaiset ja ystävät, jotka vierailitte - ihanat <3. Kiitos. Minun ja perheen puolesta.
/Are we on holiday - let's hope so. Today was the first day of holidays for us. It sure is not easy to leave the office. There is always something pending... But overall the best way to celebrate Christmas is surely to enjoy the people near you. Today I took the kids sledging downhill - the world was 'winterwonderland' but they were tired after a trip to the supermarket before, so only lasted about two slides...But perhaps... That was enough... In the evening we had our annual pre-cristmasparty. It was wonderful to see family and friends together. The kids worked so hard for it... hoovering and making canapeés. How incredible it is that these people want to come to see us over the holidays. And in the situation such of ours, it is darn difficult - family meets new family. Even in 2018 - these situations sure aint easy.  <3. Precious is the moment that all of you choosing to come because I asked. Thank you.

lauantai 1. joulukuuta 2018

The wonders of Gdansk

 Today we are having a little Christmas party in Gdansk.

For years, it has been a tradition that we have a Chistmas party in a close-by country with a Christmas market... 2 years ago we were in Riga, 4 years ago we were in Tallinn etc.
 Because of structural changes in the Uni, it became clear that we can't do this by-annual traditional trip again this year...
  So... we decided with some colleagues to book a trip on our own, not to be tied to the faculty's Christmas party plan.
 And in 2018...
 If you are booking holidays from Finland...
 The definitely cheapest option seems to be: Gdansk. And by cheap, I mean that the flights were 26€/return from Turku and amazing appartment for 30€/person on top of that. So if it costs you 56€/person for 3 days... I guess that can be okay... To spend with your best crew <3.
 We have now been here 24h, and to be honest...
 I am at awe...
 The scenery is amazing.
 Fantastic medieval architechture
 Picturesk scenery
 Old European streets
 Beautiful buildings...
 (never mind the horizon)
 It has been crispy -8C
 But all the service...
 ...The shopping...
 ...the company...
 ...Well you can tell from their faces, can't you...
 ...That it's really competing with Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Berlin... Or any other city among Europe for this season.
 And I would definitely come here again.
 ...And this is really summing it up...
 I have seen many cities in my life..
 ..and even more in Europe...
 ...but still in these perspectives...
 ...Gdansk ranks up really awesome:)
 The decor...
 ...The cafes...
 ..the atmosphere...
 ... So yes. Gdansk. Yes.

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