tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2019

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta 2020!

Se olis sitten aika summata tämän vuosikymmenen viimeinen vuosi. Oikeastaan olis hyvä vähän muistella myös koko vuosikymmentä... Ehtisiköhän siitä tehdä toisen postauksen...?

Näin vanhan ja uuden vuoden tienoillahan minulla on jo vuosikausia ollut tapana muistella edellistä vuotta ja tehdä uuden vuoden suunnitelmia ja lupauksia. Tänäkin vuonna teen sen tänne blogiin.

Aikaisemmat vuodet blogissa:

So that's how far back it goes!

Muistelutapani on vuonna 2007 kehittelemäni standardimeemi 40 kysymystä viime vuodesta. Tänäkin vuonna vastaan niihin englanniksi. Kuvituksena perinteiseen tapaan instagrammin "Best Nine" vuoden huippuhetkiä...Yleensä best nine on aina kuvannut vuotta hyvin. Tällä kertaa se on hieman erilainen sillä sinne on livahtanut jopa kolme kuvaa BETT-show tapahtumasta Lontoosta tammikuulta. Se oli työkeikka ja kokeilin hashtag-optimointia, mikä siis vääristyttää tuloksen... Mutta kuvista löytyy kyllä vuoden highlightseja eli matka lasten kanssa Espanjaan ja murun kanssa Kappadokyaan. Kirsin kans embuiltiin EM-kisoissa kesällä myös:) Että toisaalta jos ajattelee, että kolmas osa mun elämästä on ollut työtä ja sen lisäks on ollut aikaa perheelle, harrastukselle ja matkustamisellekin niin ei kait se kauhean huono vuosi voi olla ollut...

 Lisäksi postauksia oli 40! Vrt. edellisvuoden 187 postausta! Instastoriesien tekeminen selkeästi rampauttaa tavisinstan käytön ja kuvia ei todellakaan tule postattua samaan tahtiin... Instagrammin käyttötapa on siis viimeisten parin vuoden aikana muuttunut radikaalisti...

Mutta sitten asiaan: Vietämme tänäkin vuonna lasten, Juhan ja ystävien kanssa. Illalla on tarkoitus viedä muksut katsomaan ilotulitusta, se oli viimekin vuonna hitti:) Toivon kaikille mahtavaa uutta vuotta 2020!

/Summing up my year of 2019, once again in English. I do this every year, just like Charlie Brooker, except you know - not funny...

1. What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before?

Signed a permanent work contract! Went on a hot air balloon ride! Got promoted as a doctor of Economics... Defended my H2020 project as a coordinator... Opened a Nordnet account... Many first times!

2. Did you keep you New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I always make some resolutions, and I promised to take better care of myself and I did fail that unfortunately and took pretty crappy care of myself. However I also promised to spend a lot of time with loved ones and that I did keep:)

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes! Juuli's daughter I was born.

 4. Did anyone close to you die?
My friend and dear colleague Eetu died in January. It was really the tragedy of this year.

5. What countries did you visit?

Working trips to, let's see... UK, Bulgaria, Azerbajzan, Spain, Ukraine, Slovenia, China, Georgia, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy 

In addition,
I wanted to make one trip somewhere with all the three kids - and we did go to Spain in May which was an amazing adventure for all of us... Such a lovely time by the pool in our little villa. Loved it <3. I also wanted to make a longer trip with Juha and we did go for a roadtrip in the Balkans covering North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Greece as well as an extention to Turkey and Cappadokya, which was one dream come true. In July I also went to Sweden for Shorinji Kempo European Taikai where Kirsi and I became 4th place.

Out of these countries, it was my first time in Bulgaria, Georgia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Turkey. Quite an adventurous year of travels - my work trips tend to still go to places where I have been many, many times before so it was refreshing to see new places during the summer and of course to experience those with my love.

6. What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
I will tell you next year this time if it did happen. Don't want to jinx it.

7. What date from 2019 will remain attached upon your memory, and why?
Unfortunately 15.10. when I experienced one of the toughest days of my career.

 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Most definitely my new contract starting tomorrow(!) as a Research coordinator:)

9. What was your biggest failure?
It was not delegating enough, not hiring a senior person permanently to work on my project... But also the many failures of taking control of my health.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I did have Pneumonia in the Autumn which made me take a week off and just stay on the sofa with Netflix.

 11. What was the best thing you bought?
I bought a car. I needed it, so I got it. It's a Skoda Octavia and we are learning to like each other.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I have such amazing support system. In the Autumn when it got tough, my entire family helped. My brother took me to a car shop when I was having a panic attack. Ritva took care of A with my mother. J came to clean the house, My uncle helped me to buy a car while the crisis was full on and I was doing emergency phone calls from his car's back seat... Naomi helped me with my dark side and to get a therapist. Pieta, Saana and Mikko, my team have listened to endless hours of rant and despair... I have needed a lot of help this year. 

But most importantly, I have had one person on my side who has stood by me in various occasions when I truly have been at my worst and still he has not left but on the contrary he has built our family and unit together. He has allowed me to be safe, small, protected and loved. He has said that he will support my dreams even when the easier way would be to follow his own.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Well there are some candidates for the no1 slot, all work related. Let's just leave it at that.

14. Where did most of your money go?
The car was my biggest purchase but money also went to housing, food, travels and investing! Yes! I have finally started some small investments, which makes me smile:) I am only learning...

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about
Doing Embu in Sweden was exciting:) Going for our family trip in Spain:) The Road trip in the Balkans and Turkey were amazing. Investing. Oddly: Tax returns!

16. What song will always remind you of 2019?
I'll always remember us this way

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
I. happier or sadder? I am very happy, so let's say happier.
II. thinner or fatter?  Fatter:(
III. richer or poorer? Richer:)

So, is this the life from now on: Happier & richer but fatter..? There should be a way to get all three...

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
HIIT, studied Chinese, executed my business ideas

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Eating cheese.

 20. How did you spend Christmas?
In Jyväskylä with my new and old family members. On Christmas Eve my brother and I took some candles to the graves and met up with my uncle. In the evening Juha and I spent with the elder kids and the other family members at their home. On Christmas day it was time to see my M-K relatives at Timo's and so on... So eating, some little presents, one trip to IKEA, a little gym... Netflix (and chill). And somehow a lot of small dogs have suddenly come to my life.

22. Did you fall in love in 2019?
No! What's wrong with me... Two years in a row.

24. What was your favorite tv programme?
Game of Thrones ended - still, I thought it was good, even though a rushed ending. What else...? Vikings is still good. We've also watched His Dark Materials (surprisingly good) and the latest: Expanse - I think Expanse has gotten better with each season, even though I still hate snoopy hero characted 'James Holden' who just mopes around about the universe - There is so many other good characters like the belter captains as well as Avasarala of course (she always gets the best lines).  We have also been watching Sons of Anarchy sequel the Mayans and Ray Donovan, which I didnt think would last until season seven(!) But then again, next year my "Turn-your-brains-off" favourite show Survivor is up to its 40th season!!! I mean: 40 seasons! Whoah! And it's all-winners:) Can't wait!
25. Do you hate anyone now that you did not hate this time last year?
Hating is so pointless.

26. What was the best book you read?
Still thinking of which book subscription I should start. The books that I would like to 'read' would include: Millionaire next door, Miracle morning, 4-hour work week, The One Thing, Millionaire real estate investor... You see where I am going with these, right?

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Lady Gaga on A Star is Born.

28. What did you want and get?
A permanent new contract!

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
A Star is Born was pretty awsome so let's say that

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 38. Spent the day in Lahti and Helsinki. Saw both of my cousins, trained embu and Tino took me to see Oodi. It was a very satisfying good day:)

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I think it's always good to have theraphy and since I have since October, the last three months have been better. But the same answer as last year. And this will not be my answer next year because I have made the choice to quit.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
Ouch... Fashion... Something I really have not had any time for. I've tried to wear clothes which make me feel comfortable and would not be too tight. Obviously with such increase in weight that I've had over the last years, it's not that easy to find comfortable clothes from one's own closet. But still, I like black and white - Pants, boots, dresses, jackets - pretty much the same kind of clothes as before. My fashion hasn't changed this year.
34. What kept you sane?
Therapist? Friends and family. The kids. Lots of love. Talking about my problems.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Hmmm... Bloggers and internet personalities are really the celebrities of 2019. My favourites this year have definitely been:

Ida Åfeldt
Maria Friström

Since this question is a bit out-dated, I am going to ask which were my top 5 podcasts in 2019:

In no particular order:
- Tuplashotti - Maria on saanut aisaparikseen Mia Enrothin ja tässä podcastissa puhutaan perheen ja työelämän yhteensovittamisesta smoothisti - ja siitä miltä tuntuu olla boss ladyja
- Himocast - Kaisa ja Jenni puhuvat seksistä kiertelemättä
- Ostan asuntoja podcast - Harri Huru haastattelee asuntosijoittajia on mun kestosuosikki
- Hei Baby - Vivian ja Kirsikka puhuvat äideiksi tulemisesta hauskasti ja arjenmakuisesti
- Puhumuru - Maria Kihlström jututtaa todella kiinnostavia vieraita
- Mimmit sijoittaa - No onhan tämä hyvä... Pia-Maria ja Hanna tekevät uraa uurtavaa työtä kertoen ihan tavisihmisille rautalangasta, ettei sijoittaminen ole hankalaa...

These are all in Finnish... In English I listen to Bigger Pockets and bigger pockets money...

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Climate Change

37. Who did you miss?
Currently I miss Tops who has been spending his Christmas break in UK with his English family. But he is back today! Can't wait!

38. Who was the best new person you met?
Fore sure little miss I!

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019:
Get a thicker skin. And you survive everything. Things are not as bad as they might seem. Keep calm and see a therapist.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"We are far from the shallow now."

Thank you for this year of 2019 everyone!

maanantai 23. joulukuuta 2019

Talvipäivän seisaus: Kohteena Seitseminen

 Tänä syksynä työt ovat vieneet mennessään. Syksy oli toistaisen urani raskain ja niinpä loma erittäin odotettu.

 Niinpä olikin hyvä idea aloittaa loma totaalisella irtiotolla työajatuksista.

 Olimme viime vuonna talvipatikalla Salamajärven kansallispuistossa.
 Tämä osoittautui niin mukavaksi retkeksi, että tänäkin vuonna päätimme suunnata kansallispuistoon, joka olisi maksimissaan muutaman tunnin ajelun päässä Jyväskylästä. Niinpä kohteeksemme valikoitui Seitseminen.
 Päätimme lähteä Harjupolulle jälleen jalan, ilman lumikenkiä. Reitti oli merkattu valkoisin ympyröin.
 Sää oli kohtuullisen märkä ja sumuinen. Tuli mieleen Vancouverin pohjoinen sademetsä.
 Eväiksi oli otettu teetä, kahvia ja J:n tekemää sinihomejuusto-oliivipitsaa, nam!
 Lämpötila oli hitusen plussalla eli tarkenin mainiosti samalla takilla kuin kesälläkin...
 Maisema oli kuin taiteellinen näkemys sielun syvyyksistä.
 Jalka ei kuitenkaan painanut, eikä painaneet myöskään syksyn työt.
 Seitsemisen puistossa olisi ollut paljon muitakin reittejä. Tämä tuskin jää viimeiseksi kävelyksi täällä. Keväämmällä siellä on usein myös erinomaiset ladut, mutta näin joululoman aikaan lunta ei ole vielä tarpeeksi ja järvien jäätkään eivät vielä kanna.
 Kävelyllä oli puhdistava vaikutus.
 Jokainen maisema olisi saattanut olla taulu.
 Nautin siitä, kun sain taas kameran käteen.
 On niin palkitsevaa lähes heti nähdä käden jälkien lopputulos.
 Seura oli tietystikin myös parasta.
 Olemme käpötelleet näitä maisemareittejä nyt Lapin UKK-puistosta Salamajärvelle ja Kolilta tänne Seitsemiseen. Kansallispuistotournee on siis vasta alussa:)
 Seitseminen sijaitsee Pohjanmaalla niinkuin Salamajärvikin. Luonto kuitenkin on selkeästi erilaista. Enemmän ikimetsää ja soita. Reitillä oli runsaasti pitkospuita.
 Lähdimme tällä kertaa matkaan klo kahdeksan jo Jyväskylästä.
 Puistossa olimme siis jo 11:30, jolloin ei tullut kiire pois - tarkoituksena oli kulkea valoisan aikaan ja kun päiväksi oli valikoitunut talvipäivän seisaus eli vuoden lyhyin päivä niin pimeähän alkoi jo kahden jälkeen hiipimään.
 Harjupolku oli reilun viisi kilometriä pitkä, mutta kännykän gepsin mielestä 12t askelta tuli otettua ja 9,3kilometriä taitettua.
 En tiedä johtuuko siitä, että kesällä käveltiin Kolilla niin pitkiä matkoja vai mistä, mutta tämä lenkki meni todella nopeasti ja olimme ulkona puistosta tasan kolmelta.
 Meidän talvivaelluskonseptiin kuuluu myös se, että olemme yöpyneet jossain puiston lähellä - tällä kertaa Parkanossa, mukavassa mökissä saunoen ja herkkuruokaa laitellen.
 Jyväskylään palatessa mieli oli (työ) asioista tyhjä ja sielua oli ravittu Suomalaisen luonnon taikavoimin. Suosittelen!
/ I have been holding radio silence in my blog due to the extreme stress and pressure at work this Autumn. Now it was time for a clean break. J and I headed to yet another Nature park in Finland - There is 40 of them here, so plenty of places to visit for a lifetime. "Seitseminen" is located in Ostrobotnia, the closest village is Parkano, the closest city is Tampere. Just like last year, we chose the location due to the fact that we could just drive from Jyväskylä for a few hours and stay one night near by. Last year we went for a winter walk in 'Salamajärvi'. Our path is called the 'Ridge walk' and we walk pretty much the entire time it is light outside. It's the shortest day in the year and on this level in Finland, it means that sun rises around 10am and sets around 2pm. It's quite a wet day and even though there is some snow, there is also a mist hanging over the forever forest. Moisture in the air makes it feel like in northern rain forests outside Vancouver. Makes me feel like going back to Canada one day. Seitseminen is forests and swamps mainly - the views could be paintings. There is only one couple with their dog besides us, as most of Finland must be doing their Christmas shopping. After the day, mind is clear of any thoughts of work. I recommend this kind of start-up for a holiday for all!

lauantai 28. syyskuuta 2019

City of Light and Researchers' Night

 Eilen Jyväskylässä vieteltiin tutkijoiden yötä.

 Minulle se tarkoitti 'tuplatyöpäivää' eli ensin oltiin iltapäivästä STIMEY-projektin festareilla esittelemässä koululuokille robotteja ja sitten illalla oli aika tuoda muksut kokeilemaan juttuja mun työpaikalle elikkäs Agoralle.

 "Fyysinen ohjelmointi"han on uuden COTA-projektini teema, joten tänä vuonna nää aiheet todellakin puhuttaa.
 Ajatuksena on siis se, että fyysisten ja tietokoneeseen liitettyjen aktiviteettien kautta oppilaat oppivat selkeämmin teknologioiden toiminnasta, ohjelmoinnista jne. Ja vitsit että tämä todellakin toimii! Stimey festivaaleilla meillä oli kasiluokkalaisia todellakin haasteellisessa iässä olevia muksuja, joita lähinnä ensin kiinnosti hölinä ja häiriköinti. Mutta sillä hetkellä kun saivat konkreettista tekemistä käsillä niin ääni muuttui kellossa täysin. Keskittyminen, innostus ja motivaatio ymmärtää ilmiötä heräsi. Ihan mieletön muutos siis. Illalla sain todistaa tätä samaa ilmiötä kutosluokkalaisen bonuslapseni kautta, joka sanoi että "Mä vihaan ohjelmointia" ja sitten 30min minecraftilla ohjelmoituaan ei olisi suostunut lopettamaan... Et silleen.
 Kaksi isompaa suorittivat 'robottiajokortit' ja jopa autistini osasi aivan hienosti ajaa robotteja tabletilla... No problem!
 Jyväskylässä on tällä viikolla myöskin toinen vuosittainen koko perheen tapahtuma eli Valonkaupunki.
 Se tarkoittaa sitä, että kaupunki on täynnä erilaisia valotaideteoksia ja valaistuksia. Osa Jyväskylän valotaideteoksista on aikaisemmilta vuosilta jäänyt pysyviksi - osa taas on vaan tämän yhden viikonlopun ajan nähtävillä.
 Tämän vuoden selkeästi keskeisin vetonaula on australialaisen taiteilija Amanda Parerin 12 metriä korkea MAN-teos.
 Somessa hänestä pyörii kaikenlaisia hauskoja meemejä. Työkaverini oli mm. käsitellyt asiaa miettimällä, että miksi Man on niin mietteissään. Sieltä löytyi esim. "Olipa rankka viikonloppu, ottaisko vielä yhen kaljan."
 Olipa mukava ilta! Muksut olivat ihan täpinöissään ja tekemistä, näkemistä ja kokemista riitti.
 Ritva-tätini saapui apuun katsemaan kolmikon nuorinta ja illemmalla tapasimme vielä kollegani Naomin, joka asustaa Manin naapurissa elikkäs Lutakossa. Lasten riemua on niin ihana seurata <3. Oon onnekas kun saan näiden tyyppien kans kokee kaikkee tällaista kivaa.
(c) Naomi Woods
 Lopulta kun käppäiltiin takas satamasta agoralle oli rantaraitilla niin paljon väkeä, ettei siellä kyennyt pyörällä etenemään. Huomautinkin, että Jyväskylässä oli tänä iltana samanlaista kuin Kiinassa on jokailta! Eli väenpaljoutta ulkona ja värivaloja... Harvinaista meille suomalaisille tosiaan, mutta tämä tapahtuma saa lähes jokaisen jyväskyläläisen liikkeelle:)
 /Yesterday it was the 'Researchers' night in Jyväskylä. For me, this meant robots from morning to night. First as part of my job, I attended a robots workshop for 8th graders. It is remarkable how physical activities can get even the most learn-resistant teenage grumpies to burst into motivation... It was such joy to witness the change in them when my colleagues from STIMEY project took out the physical activities of explaining how to gather water - It was a small plastic model that they needed to put together... Luckily our new COTA project will follow up so there will be plenty of this later...

Then in the evening I took 'my' kids including the bonus ones to play with robots in my workplace of Agora. They could do the 'robot driving licence' and that was an instant hit. Even Juha's daughter who complained that she HATES programming - was programming minecraft for more than half an hour and would not leave. Small autist learned how to reverse a lego robot and was so excited that he was mainly jumping up and down. 

After the research part we also went to see the City of Light event in Lutakko. This is an annual event in Jyväskylä where light art comes to town. I would say that there was more people outside than on New year's eve... I actually said that for this weekend, Jyväskylä looks more like China every day. Lights in the darkness outside with people all around. There was so many people on rantaraitti that you could not cycle there... Rare occasion in Finland certainly. 

Watching the joy of this kids experiencing the world - I feel very lucky to have these kinds of nights in my life <3
(c) Naomi Woods

maanantai 16. syyskuuta 2019


 “This is Europe's new capital of kitsch", says friend's dad, referring to the Guardian article on the topic.  It is our first day in the Balkans Roadtrip vol2 this year in August and we have landed to the beautiful capital of newly named 'North Macedonia', Skopje. 
 My friend’s mother does not want to take us to see this travesty of plastic sculptures and glue on pillars on top of buildings. ”I feel so sick and angry when I come here.” She says.
 And indeed we can see why.
 The centre is full of statues.
 Statues, white buildings, pompous surroundings.
 There is a lot of statues that no one knows what they stand for.
 There are huge ship-like buildings in the river which will never sail anywhere, meant to be hotels and restaurants.
 Some of the statues fit into the Macedonian past, some just don't.
Glitter fashion is everywhere
The whole centre of Skopje was 'renovated' with plastic back in 2014 - the previous government was apparently using this project as a shield for money laundering, which is why the locals are outraged with it and would not like to show it to the tourists.
We first walk around this area at night.

And you must agree - it is made entirely for the looks of it.

There is a statue in the middle of the centre called 'Warrior on a horse'. It is of course Alexander Great of Macedonia's statue. But for political reasons we cannot say that out loud. On the opposite side of the square you can see 'The father of warrior on a horse (below).

...And the mother of 'Warrior on a horse'.
These guys are the Cyrillic brothers who came up with the Cyrillic alphabet. Did I mention that this statue has a double because one was not enough?
The Capital of North Macedonia is regardless a place to visit.
The whole country is a 'one city' country with most people moving to Skopje. (The larger Skopje being Roughly the size of Finnish Capital area around Helsinki - 1Million people)
The picture below shows the sad nature of the 'oldest restaurant in Skopje' which has gotten a 'new white look' in the kitch process of 2014.
I find this city fascinating and of course agree with the locals: The real Skopje is somewhere other than here.
We are invited to Macedonian dinner which my friend's mother has cooked. 
Lots of food on peppers, aubergines, cheese, tomato-paprika paste etc. And Raki of course!
The food is gorgeous and sooo delicious!
Olives are the size of thumbs. Juha says he cannot eat vegetables back home in Finland after this because they are so sad for their taste and freshness back home...
There is a tropical storm from Africa on our first night in the Balkans this summer.

But after it clears, we invited to the Turkish Bazar to eat some kebabs. Our hosts let us know that this is not actually food but a tradition or "kebabchinja" as the locals say.
After the amazing night, we swear that we will not eat anything else on this trip... And the journey to Kosovo, Albania, Greece and Turkey at this point has just begun...

Spoiler: We did eat once or twice after this... Have you been wondering why I came back like the size of an elephant - this is why. But still - I didn't come back a vegan!  ;)

Thank you for hosting us M and T and D! We had such a great time!

/Kesälomareissumme Balkanilla alkoi visiitillä Skopjeen, jossa ystäväpariskuntamme näytti meille kitch-päälystettyä keskustaa, jonka Pohjois-Makedonian edellinen hallitus laitatutti rahanpesutarkoituksissa uusiksi. Ehdottomasti vierailun arvoinen kaupunki: Kiinnostavaa uutta ja vanhaa historiaa ja tietysti huikean hyvää ruokaa!

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