Today I am once again visiting Ruhr West Hochschule in Bottrup, Germany to kick-off our 4-year long project, Artificial Intelligence Aware Classroom.
The idea of this project is to assist teachers and students to use AI in Classrooms. We will create learning scenarios linked to AI competency framework as well as to curriculum of 7 to 12 grade. We have a small but efficient project team from Lithuania (Vilnus Tech), Germany (Ruhr West), Greece (Ellinogermaniki Agogi) and of course us, the Finns (University of Jyväskylä)
This topic seems to be trending in 2023: The discussions on how ChatGPT will interrupt teaching are already on-going! How will the teachers be able to recognize whether the student did their own homework or did AI do it for them?
The discussions also included on how we will do research around this topic, how to publish and how to build social media campaigns on the topic.
As usual, the project which firstly seems to have a long time to do the initial reporting, will have to work quite intensively this Spring.
Luckily we are an efficient team that so far is enjoying the work...
We even had time to visit a closed coal mine as our sightseeing part! Fantastic times as always. Thank you for hosting, Ruhr West!
/Tänään suunnittelimme tekoäly-luokkahuoneessa projektille aktiviteetteja ja tutkimusta seuraavan 4 vuoden ajaksi. Tällä hetkellä keskustelu ChatGPT:n käytöstä käy kuumana myös suomalaisessa mediassa. Ajatuksena on tuottaa sisältöä ja tutkimusta tukemaan opettajien työtä ja oppilaiden oppimista tekoälyavusteisesti luokkahuoneissa yläkoulussa ja toisella asteella (lukio+ammatillinen). Kuin aina, oli mukava vierailla keski-Saksassa.
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