/ Today is a special day as the 'last' of my Phd student sisters Juuli Lumivalo (former Lintula) defends her thesis on value co-creation and co-destruction of digital services.
Väitöstilaisuus alkaa klo 15:30 Suomen aikaa. / The Defence starts at 15:30 Finnish time
Väitöskirjan "Explaining Digital Service Users’ Pursuit of Value: A Value Co-creation and Co-destruction Perspective"kustoksena toimii professori Tuure Tuunanen ja vastaväittelijänä myös suosikki tietojärjestelmätieteilijäni Prof. Suprateek Sarker Virginian yliopistosta. Koronatilanteen vallitessa valitettavasti emme nää häntä tänään Jyväskylässä, jossa hän on usein vieraillut.
/The custos performing is Prof. Tuure Tuunanen and the opponent is my personal favourite IS proferssor, Suprateek Sarker from University of Virginia, USA. Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 situation he will be attending online instead of accompanying us in Jyväskylä where we have had the pleasure of seeing him often.
This thesis reveals interesting connections between hedonistic and utilitarian drivers behind the use of similar digital services. Lumivalo has also looked at deeper into the concept of 'Value Co-destruction' of digital services which is a rather new phenomenon rising in the age of smart phone technologies. The idea is that when a service provider gives a service proposition to the client, value is not only created in the process, but also destroyed in some occasions.
The dissertation will be a 'hybrid' model meaning that a small group can attend live in Agora while most of the audience can join over a Zoom link here: https://r.jyu.fi/dissertation-lintula-111220
Väitöksen toteutus on 'hypridi' eli me muutamat saavumme paikanpäälle Agoralle rajoitusten rajoissa mutta väitöstä voi yleisemmin seurata verkossa Zoomin yli tästä linkistä: (suositellaan Zoom-sovellusta tai Google Chrome selainta): https://r.jyu.fi/dissertation-lintula-111220
You can read the whole dissertation here.
I am so very proud of your work dear Juuli! You have come so far! I met you almost five years ago when you were finishing your master thesis and fastly started to work with me on Co-Create Central Finland project. I was astonished of your independence, initiative and generous heart. You are a colleague unlike any other: Always willing to help - even when it would be at late hours or through tremendous efforts. The quality of your writing has lifted your work to the highest forums of IS. You always reflect on your own learning and explore feedback given to you. You are always well prepared and classy. You will share your knowledge with others and brighten the coffee room of our office. It is clear to me that you will achieve grater things in your life that you ever believed in - because you have that thrive and ability to adapt, learn and develop. Well done with your PhD!
Go rock today!
After today our whole little 'Girls of IS' group has defended our thesis. So proud to have taken this journey with all of you guys! Thank you for sharing this journing and for having been there for me / Tämän päivän jälkeen kaikki pikkuruisen 'Girls of IS' -ryhmämme jäsenet ovat väitelleet tohtoreiksi:
- Manjan väitös / Manja's dissertation
- Naomin väitös/ Naomi's dissertation
- Minun väitös/ Kati's dissertation
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