sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2016

Finnish Gasshuku 2016: Saturday

Saturday im Finnish Gasshuku 2016 started as a sunny but slightly windy day here in Jyväskylä. 

Antero treated us with some special warm up activities as well.
 "Pretend that you are an airplane. Now fly."
 Then we had basic techniques with Kazuhito sensei.
 We got in lines and tried to do better what wasn't going so grand on Friday night...
 Eventually we split into two groups.
 Second dan and above and shodan and below.
 In the morning there was still some time to discuss which directions to turn over someone.
 The higher grades and Juho also often means that we honor the theme of the gasshuku...
 But you wouldn't believe the pain, based on the kind of happy faces I captured on my camera.
 Does that actually mean that kenshis enjoy the pain?
 Why does it make us smile?
 Jay, you have finally twisted my hand so that it hurts! Marvellous!
 On lunch break, it is friend-selfie time.
 Or groupselfie.
 Or high-jack someone else's selfie.
 I asked Kris to show me who pain actually feels like...
 As the weather was still alright at that point, we had a group photo outside.
Even main organisers were in good spirits.
 After lunch, it was time for some Howa.
 Kazuhito sensei talked of the differences of Doins and Shibus. So how in Japan, you can study Buddhist philosophy as a religion, as part of your Shorinji Kempo studies.
 For foreigners this is hard, because you would have to be in Japan, a lot to do it.
 Then it was time for some more Juho, soft techniques, so throwing people around.
 And trying out those pressure points.
 My Swedish friend was not quite sure if she wanted to do it. Kirsi was helping her.
 Strangling. What fun!
 Swedish-Russian pain in action.
 In the afternoon, there was a session of making group embus.
 This is what our group's look like: 5 parts, 8 persons. I don't have any pictures because I was concentrating on training:)
 Arnaud and Jonatan getting some pointers from the senseis on their own embu.
 And the day ended with a Q&A session. Hard day of practise, but very rewarding.
/Lauantaina treenattiin kovaa. 'No pain, no gain' -leirin teemaa on kunnioitettu ja energiaa purettu urakalla. Lauantaihin mahtui perustekniikkaa, ryhmäembuilua, Q&A sessiota, kuristustekniikoita sekä tietysti paljon laatuaikaa kaikkien ystävien seurassa.

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